OxLEP Board Meeting
In-line with our governance structure, each quarter our Executive Board meet. We are committed to welcoming members of the public to join this meeting.
Members of the public can join this meeting from a designated time and there is an opportunity for members of the public to direct questions arising from the agenda.
If you have a question that you would like to raise, email your question via the link below and state in the email title: 'I would like to table a question for your next Board meeting'.
Send us your question
Please note, all questions must be received by 5pm on Monday 16 September.
We will acknowledge all questions sent to us and will invite individuals to read out questions at the meeting. We will allocate a maximum of three minutes per question and individuals will notified in-advance, in writing, of this.
A total of 15 minutes has been allocated to public questions at this meeting.
Should a question not be read out in-person at the meeting, a written response will be returned within five working days directly to the contact.
Visitors must pre-register to attend this meeting. Please send your meeting request to Rob Panting (Communications Manager) before 5pm on Monday 16 September.
You will be contacted by 12noon on Tuesday 17 September confirming your attendance.
Contact details can be found to the top-right of this page.