Pictured above: Providing business support at our recent 2022 annual event
Are you passionate about helping businesses to flourish and maximise their potential?
Oxfordshire Business Support Sub-Group (BSSG) is seeking members from the business community to help shape the future direction of business support across Oxfordshire.
As a sub-group of OxLEP, we are looking for persuasive, inspirational and influential senior business leaders who can bring energy, lived experience and passion to the group. You will foster positive relationships with key stakeholders in the sector and act as a high-level advocate of Oxfordshire’s business support and economic growth ambitions.
The BSSG provides OxLEP with strategic support and oversees the development and delivery of our Growth Hub that supports the delivery of our emerging Economic Strategic Plan priorities, aligned to national growth priorities.
Members will be:
- Business leaders living and/or working in Oxfordshire
- Individuals that have experience of operating and leading businesses in Oxfordshire and the challenges businesses face
- Persuasive and influential senior leaders who bring energy and passion to the business support agenda whilst fostering positive relationships with key stakeholders and act as a high-level advocate regionally
- Credible, and can harness the business community to ensure we maximise the potential of Oxfordshire’s businesses to support our ambitions
- Able to provide expert thought leadership and act aligned to the principles of a ‘select committee’ for business support locally
Applications are welcome from all sectors, however we are particularly keen to attract members who bring significant SME and net-zero experience.
BSSG meets quarterly; these roles involve an absolute minimum commitment of four days per annum, attending meetings and providing input/support between meetings, including supporting OxLEP schemes/grant panels.
While this is a voluntary role and attracts no remuneration or contractual obligations, expenses arising from undertaking duties are available.
To apply please submit a short covering letter (two pages max) outlining what expertise and skills you bring to the group along with your CV by midnight on Friday 10 March 2023. Informal interviews will be held later in March.
If you would like to arrange an informal discussion please contact:
- Helen Brind, Growth Hub Manager at OxLEP, via: [email protected].
Find out more on OxLEP Business and the support we provide
In the meantime, get inspired by our current business support programme, which celebrates Oxfordshire's women in business and enabling opportunities: