2nd February 2018
Deadline day for Cherwell Business Awards
1st February 2018
Growth Board recommends approval of the housing and growth deal

25th January 2018
Careers Fest 'twilight' session set to match young people with the county's top employers
20th January 2018
New Oxfordshire property event launch is fully subscribed
18th January 2018
New Oxfordshire property event launch is fully subscribed
4th January 2018
OxLEP chief executive says recent growth ‘reaffirms’ Oxfordshire’s world-leading economic position, ahead of Q&A event
2nd January 2018
New year presents new opportunities - OxLEP aims to recruit new 'influential' board members

21st December 2017
Merry Christmas from OxLEP - and what will 2018 hold?

11th December 2017